The newest batch of Watchmen photos is up now at The Film Stage. Some of them we’ve seen before, but there are enough new shots to make spoiler-hounds happy. (The good news: more Rorschach than previously! The bad news: sixty-four shots of Dr. Manhattan.)
Don’t think these shots have any surprises, though; these photos exist for two reasons:
1) To make you dive for midnight-show tickets, and
2) To show you that Zack Snyder did his homework and has painstakingly recreated the graphic novel shot-for-panel.
A brief breakdown of responses:
1) Mission accomplished!
2) The hardcore fans have already noticed that you are taking care to compose your shots faithfully. However, I also noticed there are a lot more wavy things in the movie stills than in the comic, sir. Is this for slow-motion-fluttering purposes? You can tell me. It’s not like we don’t expect it from you. Just be honest, so we can tack another half-hour onto the movie’s running time.
Also, you, uh, really committed to the color palette, didn’t you? (For those who click: beware the eye-scrubbingly bright jewel tones on the business suits.)